
Win11 How to Shut Monitor in 5 Minutes


Whether you’re looking to save energy or just need a quick and easy way to turn off your monitor without shutting down your entire system, Windows 11 offers multiple methods to achieve this. Understanding these methods not only helps in extending the life of your monitor but also contributes to energy efficiency. In this article, we will explore various traditional and quick techniques to shut your monitor in just five minutes. From using built-in Windows features to leveraging third-party tools, we’ll cover everything you need. Let’s dive in and make your Windows 11 experience smoother and more efficient.

The Traditional Methods

Before diving into quick and advanced techniques, let’s start with some traditional methods you can use to shut your monitor. These methods are built directly into Windows 11 and are reliable for everyday use.

Using Power Options in Windows Settings

  1. Open Windows Settings by pressing Win + I.
  2. Navigate to System and then click on Power & sleep.
  3. In the ‘Screen’ section, adjust the time it takes for your monitor to turn off when inactive.
  4. You can set different times for when your device is on battery power and when it’s plugged in.

Utilizing the Control Panel

  1. Open the Control Panel and go to Hardware and Sound.
  2. Click on Power Options and then Choose when to turn off the display.
  3. Here, you can set the time intervals for both ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in’ modes.
  4. Save the changes to apply the settings.

win11 how to shut monitor in 5 minutes

Quick Techniques for Efficient Monitoring

For those who need faster methods to shut down their monitors, there are some highly efficient techniques that can achieve this in no time.

Creating a Shortcut to Turn Off the Monitor

  1. Right-click on your Desktop and select New, then Shortcut.
  2. In the location field, input: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe /hibernate off & rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0.
  3. Name your shortcut and click Finish.
  4. You can now double-click this shortcut anytime to shut your monitor quickly.

Using Third-Party Software

There are various third-party applications available that can seamlessly turn off your monitor. Some popular choices include:

  • Monitor Off Utility: A lightweight tool designed specifically to turn off your monitor.
  • Dark: Another user-friendly tool that allows you to turn off your monitor with a single click.

These tools are generally safe and help in automating the process without needing to go through multiple steps.

Alternative Methods

If you’re someone who prefers using command lines or automated tasks, Windows 11 provides a plethora of options to achieve specific tasks without manual intervention.

Using Command Line Tools

  1. Open Command Prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Type the command: powercfg -h off.
  3. To turn off your monitor, use the command: rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0.

These commands effectively shut down your monitor swiftly and can be integrated into scripts for automation.

Automation with Task Scheduler

  1. Open Task Scheduler by searching it in the Start menu.
  2. Click Create Basic Task and name it, then click Next.
  3. Set the trigger as When I log on or choose a custom time.
  4. Choose the action Start a program and input the command line used previously.
  5. Finish the setup, and your monitor will now shut down automatically based on the trigger you defined.

Best Practices and Tips

To make your experience even better, consider adopting some best practices that enhance the efficacy of shutting down your monitor.

Setting Custom Hotkeys

  1. Right-click on the monitor shutdown shortcut you created.
  2. Go to Properties and click on the Shortcut tab.
  3. In the Shortcut key field, set a custom combination like Ctrl + Alt + M.
  4. Apply the changes, and you can now use this hotkey to shut down your monitor instantly.

Scheduling Automatic Sleep Mode

  1. Go to Control Panel > Power Options.
  2. Click Change plan settings next to your power plan.
  3. Under ‘Put the computer to sleep’, set your preferred timings.
  4. This allows you to automate when your monitor and PC go into sleep mode, saving you manual input.


In conclusion, shutting down your monitor in Windows 11 can be done through various methods. Whether you prefer traditional settings, quick shortcuts, or automated commands, there’s a solution for everyone. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently manage your monitor’s activity, saving both energy and time. Choose the method that works best for you and enjoy a seamless computing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a shortcut to turn off my monitor in Windows 11?

To create a shortcut, right-click on the desktop, select `New > Shortcut`, and enter the command: `C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe /hibernate off & rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0`. Name it and click `Finish`.

Are third-party tools safe to use for shutting down the monitor?

Yes, reputable third-party tools like Monitor Off Utility and Dark are generally safe. Ensure you download them from trusted sources to avoid any security risks.

Can I automate my monitor settings without third-party software?

Absolutely! You can use Windows built-in features like Command Line tools and Task Scheduler to automate monitor shut down settings effectively.

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